Custom Aluminum Fence Posts

Our bread and butter has long been all things steel…welding, blacksmithing, CNC work, and other custom steel fabrication. I was approached not-so-long-ago to look into knocking out a set of aluminum fence posts for a rooftop patio. I wouldn’t say that I was scared to take the dive into working with aluminum, but I did have a healthy awareness of my lack of acute experience with it! Naturally, practice was warranted, so I dropped the investment in an aluminum spool gun, which is a special welding tool made specifically for aluminum. Failing wasn’t really on my radar, so in the same breath that I bought the spool gun, I also purchased 20 7’ sticks of 3x3 1/4” wall thickness aluminum tube. The dimensions of the tube doesn’t materially matter, but what it does indicate is exactly how much faith I was placing in my ability to pick up and become proficient in a new weld process I’d never done before.

I didn’t let myself down…I would go so far as to say that, welding with the spool gun, I was getting some of the strongest and prettiest welds I’ve ever acheived in all my years of welding! Below are some of the photos of the posts, pre and post powder coating. I will get photos from my client as soon as they are installed; these custom aluminum fence posts came out so beautifully that it would be a crime to not get to see them in their final home!


Steel Chiminea - Steel Fire Pit


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